Support CocoonWeaver

There are many ways in which you can support our way. CocoonWeaver is small family business and we rely on you fine people to help keep us going! If you like what we are up to, please consider one of the following way to support us:

Write us a review


Writing us a review on the AppStore is really great and one of the easiest and most helpful things you can do right now to help us out:

Feature Updates

Become a voice for us and share the app with anyone that you think would benefit from it!
Every time anyone recommends the app from person to person, word of mouth, it is way more likely that the person will understand the core benefits and actually get use out of it in the right way for them.

Upgrade to Pro


 There are several major enhancements to CocoonWeaver available for Pro. They have taken a long time to research, develop and test. Upgrading to Pro helps us to continue development to add additional Pro features in the near future.