Letting go allows us to free ourselves from the burden of stress and anxiety.
Charles Hart 
CFO @ CocoonWeaver
August 16, 2023

Letting Go 

Benefits to your mental health

In today’s fast-paced world, it’s easy to accumulate emotional baggage, stress, and anxiety. Holding onto negative experiences, regrets, or grievances can weigh heavily on our mental health and hinder personal growth. However, by practising the art of letting go, we can experience numerous mental health benefits and create space for positivity, healing, and self-improvement. This article explores the importance of letting go and offers practical strategies to help you cultivate a healthier mindset.

Understanding the Concept of Letting Go

Letting go is the process of consciously releasing attachment to negative emotions, thoughts, or situations that no longer serve a purpose in our lives. It involves accepting what we cannot change and finding the strength to move forward and embrace our lives afresh. Letting go doesn’t mean denying or suppressing our emotions but rather acknowledging them, processing them, and ultimately releasing their hold over us. 
It’s a hard process and often requires looking at ourselves a bit more closely to distinguish our baggage from the baggage of others. This can take time and repeated self-reflection to try and gain a clear perspective on what our stuff actually is and what isn’t. Only then can we let go and release negative patterns that feel part of who we are, but really need to hit the highway!

Mental Health Benefits of Letting Go

Reduced Stress and Anxiety
Letting go allows us to free ourselves from the burden of stress and anxiety. When we release negative emotions and thoughts, we create space for calmness, clarity, and contentment. This is not so easy to do when normality in modern life entails consumption all the time; social media entrapment and advertising bombardment, continual occupation of the mind with external noise.

Letting go doesn’t mean denying or suppressing our emotions but rather acknowledging them, processing them, and ultimately releasing their hold over us.

Enhanced Resilience
Letting go strengthens our resilience by teaching us to adapt and bounce back from challenging situations. It allows us to shift our focus towards positive solutions and empowers us to handle life’s obstacles more effectively.

Increased Self-Acceptance
Letting go helps us see who we are more clearly. We can embrace our imperfections, develop a healthier self-image, and appreciate the journey of life a bit more.

Practical Strategies for Letting Go

Practice Mindfulness
Mindfulness involves bringing your attention to the present moment. By observing your thoughts and emotions as they arise, you can detach from them and let them go more easily. Engage in activities such as meditation, deep breathing exercises, or journaling. This is an on-going practice with many benefits.

“When negative thoughts arise, question their validity and challenge their accuracy. Replace them with positive affirmations and focus on gratitude for the present moment”

Embrace Forgiveness
Holding onto grudges or resentment can be toxic for our mental health. Practice forgiveness, not necessarily for the benefit of others, but for your own well-being. Letting go of past hurts allows you to break free from the negative emotions associated with them. This does not mean accepting continual negative abuse – no, rather enables you to move out of such situations. 

Seek Support
Don’t be afraid to seek support from trusted friends, family, or professionals. Sharing your thoughts and feelings with others can provide new perspectives, guidance, and a sense of relief. Therapy or counselling can be particularly helpful in the process of letting go.
Sometimes in order to let go we need to change our environment, or move away from negative people or situations. It can be incredibly difficult to gain perspective on the hole one is in when all the actors that reinforce our negative mindset are continually present. Even if you can get into another space when meditating for 20 or 30 minutes, all your old patterns can come back immediately if you step right back into a negative environment and the practice of letting go can seem pointless. It is amazing what can unfold if you get the chance to spend a few days away from your regular routine – somewhere where you feel connected, be it to nature, to a special place in your past or with someone who you feel at home with and can trust.

Voice yourself
Voice yourself once you truly feel you have let go of something that has been holding you back. Listening back to voice memos can help you to re-access a positive state of mind you were previously in. See if it helps you remember who you are when things in your life turn upside down again. Or maybe listening back to yourself you realise you were not quite on it and there is more work to be done to release yourself from your old tattered ingrained emotional baggage. But start by using your voice, speak out loud.


Letting go is a powerful practice that can transform our mental health and overall well-being. By consciously releasing negative emotions, thoughts, and attachments, we create space for growth, healing, and personal development. Letting go is an on-going process that requires patience, self-compassion, and commitment.

Thanks for reading,
Charles Hart

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