Self-care is not selfish but rather a vital investment in your own overall happiness.
Charles Hart 
CFO @ CocoonWeaver
August 15, 2023


Nurturing Your Mind, Body, and Relationships

Noise, distraction, hyper everything, when do you take time to care for yourself? How do I start self-care? What is taking care of yourself? There are a couple of different areas of your life to consider. 

Establishing Self-Care routines and a bit of planning

By organising your day, you can reduce stress and make time for activities you enjoy. Sometimes it is good to jot a few things down for the next day before you go to bed – let your unconscious do a bit of the work before tomorrow starts. Lists can sometimes produce further stress especially if they are too long. The key is to prioritise. 

There are always a myriad of responsibilities in life to address, but not everything can be done in one day. 

  • Include things that prioritise yourself
  • Break down larger tasks into smaller, manageable steps to avoid being overwhelmed
  • Block time off for the key tasks
  • Make sure you have a good mix of activities  over the week –  work, relaxation, hobbies, socialising 
  • You may need to reprioritise if some things don’t work out, but that is part of the process
  • There also needs to be room for spontaneity and changing circumstances

Usually mornings are a good time to find a few minutes in order to centre yourself and  put yourself in the right state of mind for the day. Try some meditation, journaling, stretching or some exercise.

You are a physical being – take care of your diet, get enough sleep, exercise

There are always new fads in dieting, sometimes they can suit you or even change your life, but most importantly is to make sure you eat fresh food – fruits and nuts, dairy, vegetables, beans and make sure you get some protein and fat to ensure a balanced diet. Make sure you drink enough water to stay hydrated. No one is perfect all the time, but if you find yourself just eating processed foods and sugary drinks then you may need to adopt a few changes for your dietary routines.

Unplug. Step away from the computer, the cell phone, spend some time with yourself.

Make sure you get enough quality sleep, this depends on your age and varies from individual to individual. What you eat or do prior to going to bed can have a large impact on your sleep. Avoid heavy meals and caffeine. Don’t get yourself hyped-up or overstimulated before bed. You usually know your own sleep patterns and routines, any disturbance to these can also affect the quality of your sleep. 

Exercise – it can help you sleep, it promotes blood circulation and it can lift you out of a negative or stagnant state of mind. What do you enjoy doing: walking, jogging, dancing, yoga, swimming? Get your heart going at least 2 or 3 times a week for 30 minutes or more. Also do some strength training whether it be working on your core, using an exercise band or doing some weights. Some moderate strength and balance training can also really affect your sense of self and can help you to feel more confident.

“Relationships are complex and the way you relate carries with it all the past ways you have learned to communicate and express yourself”

Healthy relationships and positive people

Make time for your positive relationships
Nurturing healthy relationships and surrounding yourself with positive people is essential to self-care. Connections provide emotional support, enhance your sense of well-being, and help you to grow.

Clear boundaries in a relationship are very important to protect your time, energy, and emotional well-being. Don’t fall prey to others imposing their reality on you, learn to say no when someone oversteps the mark. Communicate your needs openly and respectfully.

Surround yourself with people who uplift and inspire you. Seek out individuals who share your values, interests, and goals. Engage in meaningful conversations and activities that nurture your relationships. This is not always easy to achieve, but having just one person who believes in you and cares about you can change your world completely.

A continual work in progress
Relationships are complex and the way you relate carries with it all the past ways you have learned to communicate and express yourself. If you are not finding fulfilment in your relationships you may need to reassess how you communicate and express yourself or change to whom you communicate and express yourself. Sometimes therapy or counselling can help you gain perspective and let go of old patterns so you can move forward and grow. This process goes on your whole life as everything is always in a state of flux. Grab the opportunities to improve your relationship with yourself and with others whenever they arise.  

Unplug, make real connections

In today’s social media high-tech world people far too often find themselves staring at screens. Unplug. Step away from the computer, the cell phone, spend some time with yourself. Often without a cell phone we don’t know what to do with ourselves. Being with yourself can be hard. Go for a walk (without your cell phone), read a book or take up a hobby that involves the use of your hands or your body. Or connect with a friend, go for lunch – put the phones away, on silent and out of sight. Give the person in front of you your full attention, empathise with them, listen and reciprocate. Technology provides convenience, but constant connectivity can lead to feelings of isolation and detachment.


Remember, self-care is not selfish but rather a vital investment in your own overall happiness.

Thanks for reading,
Charles Hart

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